Aged care

Safe, unobtrusive and flexible waste containers and services for facilities of all sizes.

Discreet and dignified care

Aged care facilities provide residents dignity and care during their greatest need. Cleanaway Daniels works with your facility and staff to provide quality aged care waste management that’s discreet and effective while compliant with all safety requirements.


Clinical Waste
Commingled Recycling
General Waste
Food Waste
Bathroom and Hygiene

Comprehensive waste management in aged care solutions

From colour-coded bins and tamper-proof containers to pleasant bathroom experiences, we make waste management easy and simple for your staff, allowing them to focus on their job and providing care to one of Australia’s most vulnerable groups.

We can help create and implement waste management policies for aged care facilities that improve efficiency, reduce needlestick injuries and ensure a safe and pleasant environment for residents, staff and visitors.

Contact us to learn more.

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