Secure quarantine and biosecurity waste management

Track and ensure compliance with our AQIS-licensed biosecurity and quarantine waste management solutions

Quarantine waste, also known as biosecurity waste, refers to items that have been rejected for entry into Australia as it may pose a biohazard risk. In some cases, these items may need to be treated before they can be allowed into the country, while in other cases, the items must be disposed of immediately due to the hazard it represents.

These items may include medication, healthcare waste, by-products created from the treatment of imported foods, biohazard quarantine items, and goods seized during quarantine inspections.

blood sample tube

Quarantine and biosecurity waste disposal

Cleanaway Daniels offers reliable and compliant solutions for the safe and secure collection and processing of quarantine and biosecurity waste. As an Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) provider, we have the necessary certification, trucks and personnel to ensure your quarantine waste is properly transported and disposed of correctly.

The Cleanaway Daniels Difference

We partner with our clients to identify ways to integrate and improve waste management practices in respective facilities. This system ensures the safety of staff and patients in the facility as well as during the waste disposal process.



  • Each of our facilities has EPA approval in the storage and handling of high risk wastes
  • 24 hour CCTV security across our sites to safeguard against tampering or malpractice
  • EPA compliant waste tracking processes

General waste, recycling and more

As a total service provider, Cleanaway Daniels offers a full suite of waste management services with a comprehensive range of bin capacities, flexible collection schedules and sustainable options. These include but are not limited to:

  • General waste
  • Commingled recycling
  • Bathroom and sanitation
  • Industrial cleaning services
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Why sustainability is important to us

Doing business sustainably is important to us. We believe that we have an inherent responsibility to protect the world’s natural resources and to this end, we commit to choosing the most environmentally responsible methods of managing healthcare waste.